Monday, April 15, 2013

Place No More for the Enemy of my Soul

I just rewatched this today and heard it with completely different ears this time. Noting by the date he gave this talk (April 2010) and reflecting where I was spiritually during that time, I'm sure I was thinking, "Phew, so glad I have that part of me under control." I'm also certain that I didn't consider the following statement to applied to me in any way, shape or form:

"Acknowledge that people bound by the chains of true addictions often need more help than self-help, and that may include you. Seek that help and welcome it. Talk to your bishop. Follow his counsel. Ask for a priesthood blessing. Use the Church’s Family Services offerings or seek other suitable professional help. Pray without ceasing. Ask for angels to help you."

I think very differently now.

I also like Andrew's post and his thoughts on this talk.


  1. Love this talk, and that quote! It's interesting to note how prideful we can get! I remember one time I had so much pride, even classic pride such as dressing better than those around me just so I could feel like I was better than them, and I had no clue. I asked my dad for a blessing one day and in it, he advised me to open up my scriptures and just start reading, and I'll find something that applies directly to me. Well I followed his counsel but I opened up to a part of Alma that talks about the pride of the people- their wearing costly apparel and so forth- and how they needed to repent and humble themselves. And I was like, wow, my dad must have been a little off today because this has NOTHING to do with me!


    I look back, years later, and I know that had everything to do with me. I was so blind.

    Thanks for this post!

  2. I love this talk! And it is also interesting for me to see where I was at that time too. It was very dark and scary. :/ wish I would have really listened to what he was saying. But yes, he REALLY get it. He does not beat around the bush, and he tells it like it is. I read the related post you linked, and really loved reading his insights into it as well. Thanks for this post! I loved it and needed it!!
