Tuesday, January 21, 2020

2020 update

Wooooooeeeee. It has been a long time since I have blogged. This blog marked the beginning of my recovery days over five years ago!

Since April of 2014, my family has moved. My marriage dipped into a space a deep emotional pain, and in August of 2015 we decided to separate. This lasted only seven months. I took the kids to a different state and we each worked on our selves separate from each other. This was a very good decision and there were so many ways the Lord blessed us in walking down this road

We have welcomed another child into our family

And we have continued in both couples and personal therapies through out the years on and off. I can tell you, the last two years in our marriage have been our absolute BEST! I love my husband. I appreciate him. Our communication skills have taken a complete 180 and we have been healed in many, many capacities.

Currently, my personal focus is on my childhood trauma and sexual abuse.  This is what brings me back to my blog today. I need to write and I need to write about that. So onto my next post. XOXO ~Seattle

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