Tuesday, January 21, 2020

Family secrets that I keep

I can’t explain myself
I don’t know why I think about this non stop this week but I had a therapy session on Monday and was completely hijacked by it.
We didn’t even talk about anything that awesome.
But when I left, my brain stayed in the office and for about five hours I just wanted to get away from my family and sit in silence and reflect on the session. I wish I could remember everything we had said; The order of conversation, etc...

We discussed the irritatingly inappropriate text my dad sent me.
But I quickly grew tired of that conversation because I feel like I have hashed it out from every angle and only time will heal that wound.
So we moved to the weekends current trigger, that of a 20/20 episode of this rich guy who in his own way, trafficked young teenage girls, and fondled them in this own home.
I knew as soon as this show started unfolding that I’d be triggered by its content. Sexual fondling is my sexual abuse story.  It’s my trauma.

As I listened to some of these ladies who were victimized tell their story, I had a handful of thoughts in relation to what I was hearing. First was the girl who explained how she never went back. She was paid money for her experience being there, not understanding that she was signing up to be fondled. She felt so disgusted and ashamed and didn’t have a desire to go back,

But there were others who went back, not because they didn’t feel disgusted or ashamed, because I am sure they did, but something compelled them to go back. My conscious thought when I heard their story was, “That would be me. I would have gone back.”

Second, I recognized a conscious thought as I specifically watched these ladies tell their stories. “I wish I was you.”

I wish I was you.

I wish I was you.

Was I really thinking this? What did this thought mean? I had to sit with these thoughts all the night long before I figured out what was underneath them.

I wished I was her (or them) because they get to tell their story and people readily recognize it for the trauma it is.  Their wounds are validated, and being attended to and they deserve that every whit! I wish I was her because she got to speak to that camera and say what happened and she didn’t have to worry about ruining someone’s reputation or putting her close family associations through judgement and shame.  She didn’t have to carry that as a family secret.

I want that freedom.

I’ve cracked open the dialogue with my sister this year. I requested my report from the child department of justice center-or-something-or-other earlier this year. I told my sister I was awaiting it. She talked about some of my emotions around it.  I told her how her name was on it and she validated the one experience that she had with the same brother, to which I said “Mine wasn’t just one experience.”

Now I don’t know the mindset of my sister, or the dynamic of my brother - but I find this ironic based on my assessment of the tv show guests. My sister was the one who was like the one girl in the episode whose experience was reeked with discomfort, disgust and shame and “she never went back” and/or my brother never messed with her again. But that wasn’t the same for me, and I don’t know why.  It’s a giant question, full of shame that looms over me. Why did I go back? Or, even, why did he continue to choose me?

Because let’s face it we were in the same house. I wasn’t “going back” anywhere. I was just living my life in my home, my bathroom, my family basement, during our family’s vacations, during my family’s work time at the apartments. I was living my life, and these sexual experiences were littered throughout all the mundane and should-be safe and secure living situations. I honestly don’t know what percentage of those I really “went back” to and which ones just ended up happening to me without my permission during my attempt to live a regular life.

I also don’t even know the first time this happened. I mean, I THINK I remember the first time I had a sexual type experience with my brother. But I can’t be certain and I certainly don’t know what time was our last. My brain wishes it could remember everything - beginning, middle and end.  How old was I when this began? What were all the situations leading into this? How often and regularly was I targeted? How many times did I do something to illicit the attention? When did trauma bonding begin to occur for me? Could I have stopped it? Why did you pick me? Why did it keep happening? Why why why why why why why? I wish I could know and remember it all, honestly.  I believe if I did, I’d better understand my behaviors today.



These were the words that came out of my mouth during my first session with Aaron.  I had been through two other therapists before they unexpectedly had to move so I was starting to become familiar with this word, “trauma”.  I guess Aaron was no different in that in our initial session, he tried to tie back some of the unwanted behaviors to trauma. Because why else would I have said that?

I understand now that my definition of trauma then was different than it is now. Trauma was something terrible, horrible and generally accepted as a huge deal.  War is trauma. A violent kidnapping and rape is trauma. And these are. But, think of them at capital T trauma.

I was pretty defensive of my childhood when I first started therapy. Therapist Dave tried to get me to dig into my family of origin. I perceived this was an exercise to criticize and break down all the horrible things that my parents did poorly.  I simply wasn’t interested in participating in that. I remember going through some workbooks with him and only writing what I believed could be presented in the best light. I had a very good childhood and I was going to prove it.

And this is where I was during my first session with Aaron...no interest in going down childhood of origin stuff. There was no trauma there. And trauma just wasn’t me. That was for victims, and I wasn’t a victim.

I don’t even know when or how the stuff between my brother even got brought up. I know I talked about it some with Dave, because 2013 happened. There was a lot of additional trauma in 2013 tied to the childhood trauma I was in denial over. And some of it was fresh trauma, including the unexpected passing of my mom.

But when or how this got brought up with Aaron, I have no idea.

The main focus of my seeing Aaron was to handle the immediate crisis in my marriage. We were in such a low state with deep emotional pain. I was in deep grief over the loss of my mom.  I was pregnant with my second son at the time, and Aaron questioned if the baby was my husband’s.  I started in some group therapies and got to know people in the recovery network which was crucial to my not feeling alone. I guess this is when I started tellin my story more,

During first step newcomer meetings, my quick story usually started like this:

I discovered masturbation when I was young. Like really young. It didn’t have a sexual drive to it, at least initially but it’s been a habit for as long as I can remember.  Then I had a brother who showed some sexual interest in me as a young child.  This lasted for years and when that sexual attention ended, I turned to pornography. I kept this behavior all as secret and lived a life where I was weighed down by Shame and self loathing and just trying to navigate adolescence as I understood it.  I finally disclosed everything at age 17 and just considered this to be my ending point.  I was not going to engage in that behavior anymore and there was no reason to think about any of it because I had forgiven all parties and it was time to move on.

Then my newcomer share would evolve into how the beast of addictive and compulsive behavior kept coming up for me.

And now I can see, and admit how much more it ties back to my childhood.  Specifically how it tied back to that one liner, “I had a brother who showed some sexual interest in me as a child.”  It was so much more than one line of my life.  Maybe not capital T trauma. But “little t” trauma over and over and over and over again.  It adds up.

2020 update

Wooooooeeeee. It has been a long time since I have blogged. This blog marked the beginning of my recovery days over five years ago!

Since April of 2014, my family has moved. My marriage dipped into a space a deep emotional pain, and in August of 2015 we decided to separate. This lasted only seven months. I took the kids to a different state and we each worked on our selves separate from each other. This was a very good decision and there were so many ways the Lord blessed us in walking down this road

We have welcomed another child into our family

And we have continued in both couples and personal therapies through out the years on and off. I can tell you, the last two years in our marriage have been our absolute BEST! I love my husband. I appreciate him. Our communication skills have taken a complete 180 and we have been healed in many, many capacities.

Currently, my personal focus is on my childhood trauma and sexual abuse.  This is what brings me back to my blog today. I need to write and I need to write about that. So onto my next post. XOXO ~Seattle