I'm walking up to the theater with friends bringing along some M&M's and they have a sign:
I refuse to give up my chocolate so I miss out on a fun night with friends.
I go to the swimming pool. They have a sign:
I refuse to shower so I don't get to go in.
I am standing outside of Disneyland. They have a sign:
I refuse to put on my shoes.
REALLY? It's Disneyland!!! Why won't you just put on your shoes?! (I'm talking to myself here).
Sometimes the things I do especially in this addiction are about as blatantly stupid as refusing to adhere to a simple sign. Logically, it makes sense to "put on my shoes" so I can enter Disneyland's doors, right? But I keep refusing to give up something small & insignificant and therefore miss out on something potentially greater! HOW DO I GIVE IT UP? How come once I give it up, it can't just be taken forever?